The Cat and the Canary (1927) d. Paul Leni

That imminence of a revelation that is not yet produced is, perhaps, the aesthetic reality.
-- Jorge Luis Borges, "The Wall and the Books"

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Creeping Camera: Introductory Sequence to DARKROOM (1981-2)

A classic (and horrifying) example of "creeping camera," Dennis Giles' term for unmotivated camera movement in horror films that creates a sense of monstrous presence without manifesting a monstrous object. The sense of absence or lack courts a scopophilic response in the spectator of horror, a simultaneous desire to see the monstrous and to be protected from full revelation of the monstrous. This series, hosted by actor James Coburn, aired from 1981 to 1982. I adored it as a kid. Sadly, it is not available on DVD in North America. 

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